Graduate school

This department at SEFREC conducts research in the Aquaculture and Livestock Production and Bioresource Economics courses. We conduct educational research aimed at developing these basic research and applied technologies.


See this link for details ⇒The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University

Research Field Information

 Prof. M.Takagi

Fish Breesing and Conservation Genetics

Studies on fish breeding and conservation genetics


Fish Reproductive Physiology and Aquaculture

Studies of molecular mechanisms of oocyte development and maturation, and evaluation of gamete quality. The results are applied for seed production in fish aquaculture and stock enhancement


Fisheries management and business

Study on economics and management theories of the sustainable development in the fisheries and fishing village.


Recent student research themes


  • Multiple paternity and mating behavior of captive breeding Common octopus (FY 2019)
  • Creation of new cultured fish species Satsuki trout through industry-government-academia collaboration and future prospects -Case study of regional comprehensive efforts through integrated production in Ainan-cho- (FY 2018)
  • Research on developmental process of gonads and infertility induction technology (FY 2017)